Keeping Up With Google

Google has begun making changes to its algorithms in 2009. From a speculated behavioral search update, spidering video, and the ability to spider blogs better, there are changes afoot at the popular search engine. We inform you on the latest industry notes on keeping up with Google.

Keeping Up With Google Changes – April 2009

Google is expected to make some changes to their algorithms in 2009. It is widely speculated that one of the changes may involve more importance being placed on ‘behavioral search patterns’ in order to give the search user a custom, and hopefully more appropriate, set of search results.

What Does This Mean? Industry insiders are speculating the following:

  • Analytics Reports and Reviews will become even more important.
  • Personalized search results may provide better and more appropriate search results for the end user.
  • Well built, well optimized websites will continue to receive qualified leads.
  • Google may be better able to crawl Flash.
  • Google will be able to crawl video content.

Google has begun to implement changes and you may notice search results fluctuate over the next few months. None of this is not cause for alarm.

Other Google changes include:

  • Google has also pushed through a change to the blog algorithm. This change is good news for those who utilize the blog search function. In the past, blogroll links were coming up as text for the blog article. Now, just the blog itself will come up for the specific search. The blog search function is becoming more and more popular and industry insiders predict this change will provide even better search results.
  • Google has also implemented a new semantic search function. This algorithm change should provide users with the best results for their search by using similar phrases and words within the search as well. Google will now be able to decipher the meaning of the search query and deliver results based upon that meaning. This attempt to make Google results more relevant to the user can also be beneficial to websites that provide users with quality content.

We are closely watching these developments and working through all the information as it becomes available. By monitoring analytics, industry developments and rankings, we are working with our client’s websites on an individual basis to achieve success.