Google Adwords, Bing PPC or Facebook Ads? Where Should You Spend Your Marketing Dollars?

Where Should You Spend Your Marketing Dollars?

It is a well-known fact that advertising through pay-per-click is a cost-effective means of reaching your market with highly-focused ads. But, as you start planning your PPC campaign, you may wonder which platform to use? This article will help you understand the pros and cons of placing your pay-per-click campaign through Google, Bing or Facebook.

Google, Bing and Facebook all reach a large audience, and there is no doubt any one of these platforms will give good return on your PPC investment. Google and Bing are search engines and the ads used should be focused on the searcher’s intentions and the keywords they use to search.

Facebook targeting is based on demographics and interests. Ads can be highly-focused on terms that relate to each demographic.

Generally, the cost per conversion is less with BingAds than with Google AdWords, however, Google is still the most widely used search engine with a larger reach. But, you should also factor in who your demographic is. Bing users tend to be between 35-54 years old, 44% are married, with a higher household income.

To decide which platform will work best for your marketing needs and marketing budget there are a few factors to consider.

  • Your Budget and Average PPC
  • Your Industry and Competition
  • Your Objective
  • People Sensitive Product or Service
  • Product or Service Search Volume


What Is Your Budget and What Is the Average CPC?

The budget you have to spend is a key factor in determining where to put your advertising dollars.

Google is still the most popular search engine in use; for this reason alone, it makes sense to use Google Adsense for your CPC marketing. But, where there is high volume there is also a higher cost on each CPC bid. According to Search Engine Journal, in 2016 Facebook ads were approximately 88% cheaper than AdWords.


What Is Your Industry and Who Is the Competition?

The type of industry you are in and the level of competition in your industry should also be taken into account. For example, the legal sector has one of the highest cost per keyword for certain terms, but the return on legal The studies have shown that Ativan similarly acts to all functions of the central nervous system and does not give more sedative or anti-anxious characteristics cases makes it worthwhile chasing these high-cost key terms. If your industry is legal, finance, health, tech or education you may find the cost for keywords with Google is too high for your budget and Facebook may be the better choice.


What Is Your Marketing Objective?

The next step is to clearly define your marketing objective. Is it to create awareness? Is it to generate leads? Is it to close the deal? Your customers will be on different levels of the sales funnel, and the direction of your advertising campaign will depend on which customers you decide to target.

AdWords is generally a better choice if you are ready to generate sales and leads, because people searching on Google are searching with the intention to buy and are specifically looking for your product or services.


People Sensitive Product or Service

Because it is a platform that is designed to connect people with people, Facebook is generally the best platform to use to connect with customers on a more personal level. Because of the data that Facebook has on it’s users’ personal details, Facebook ads can be more highly targeted by demographics and interests.


Product or Service Search Volume

If your product or service is new to the market and consumers do not know it exists, they will not be searching for it, and therefore there will be no search history for that term.

Think of the iPod before we knew what it was. Sure, the cost of the keywords will be low because there is no competition, but if no-one is searching for the keywords you use,  your ad will not be shown.

However, if you decide AdWords is the best channel for you, you could bid on keywords that are related to the service or value you provide.

As with all good marketing initiatives, you need to know your market: who they are, where they play, and what keywords they use to search.

If you want to learn more about the digital platform that would work best for you, contact us, we’ll be happy to help you plan an effective PPC strategy that gets results.