Top 5 Ways to Optimize for Mobile Search

According to Aaron Goldman in MediaPost’s SearchInsider publication, in 2011 15% of Google searches were done by a mobile device. Using mobile devices to search continues to grow. In fact, according to a comScore Local Search Usage Study, 61% of smartphone users make local searches from a device and 49% of mobile and tablet users conduct local business searches on apps.

Ensuring that your business is optimized for local search and mobile search is essential to compete in today’s marketplace.

Here are 5 Things To Optimize for Mobile Search


  1. Keep It Simple – A clean and simple site is a great way to ensure that your mobile users are finding the information they are looking for.

  2. Mobile Ready Content – Mobile users are coming to your site for quick information. Concise content, visible calls to action and displaying your address and phone number on the top portion of your website will result in more conversions.

  3. Optimize for Local Search – As the Internet began to grow in the late 90’s and early 2000’s, their was a push for the ‘world marketplace’. Suddenly, businesses were able to market across the world with ease. Search campaigns focused on general terms to capture a big audience. While all of this is still true, the growing usage of mobile devices used to search for local businesses makes ensuring you are locally optimized even more important. Research is showing that mobile users are more likely to click on a listing if it matches Using Ativan significantly reduces an agitation of the central nervous system and inhibits hypernormal reflexes their local search query (for example: Kelowna chinese food restaurants or Vancouver hairstylists).

  4. Try a Google Pay-Per-Click Campaign – Try doing a Google search from your own smartphone or tablet and you may notice that only a few results show up and the shading separating the pay-per-click results from the organic search results is getting harder to differentiate. Mobile users want quick information and they do not want to scroll through pages of search results to find what they are looking for. A properly run pay-per-click campaign with a local focus is a great way to ensure that your website is up on top to garner the most impressions and clicks.

  5. Increase Customer Engagement – A top mobile marketing objective is to increase customer engagement. What do you want your visitor to do to engage with your business while on their phone? Do you want them to email you? Text you? Phone you? Is your business a bricks and mortar business and people are merely looking for your address? Mobile users like to use social networking devices and YouTube while on their phones so providing ways to link up with you or providing a video for them to watch is one way to increase customer engagement. Maybe you will offer your mobile users a coupon? Just be sure you have clear and visible Calls to Action that lead them back to your business.

 Is Your Site Optimized For Mobile Search?