Local Search Marketing

When businesses first began publishing websites online, the goal was to reach a bigger market. It was “The World Wide Web” and suddenly the entire world could be considered a potential prospect. Businesses had increased opportunities and the power of the Internet was easily recognized.

Back then, businesses relied on phone books, billboards, and local advertising mediums such as newspapers, radio and television to increase their branding and marketing efforts within their locale. The Internet was for ‘the world’ market.

Today, the power of the Internet is being harnessed to increase a business’ profile within their local market. More and more businesses are seeing the relevance and usability to positioning their website within the local search market, too.

When was the last time you opened a phone book? When you are looking to order a pizza or call up your mechanic or schedule a hair appointment, how do you go about finding the phone number? Google?!? How many of these searches are you doing on your mobile device or tablet?

Technology, once touted as making the world smaller, is now making it even easier to reach out to your neighbours.

Is your business being found?

Whether your not your business has a website, your business can still utilize the Internet to grow your local business. A Google Places listing is a good start. Plus, there are a number of other local directories that are regularly being used by Internet searchers.

The GetOn.com team can work with your team to ensure your business is being found in the right places by the right people. Contact us today to learn more about how your business can increase your Internet exposure locally.